Pick a beam type that best fits your application. If you have any architects drawings, please email them over to enquiries@atspeed.co.uk
A structural engineer should specify the correct section size to suit the load case of each steel. If you have any engineers calculations please email them over along with any architects drawings.
Measure the overall span of the structural opening. Add the required bearing to each end. Typically 150mm minimum when inline, 100mm when perpendicular.
Do you need to connect more than one steel together or splice one in half? If so then you'll need a connection. If its not shown on your engineers calculations, or you are in any doubt, please just give us a call. See below some typical connection types.
Are any holes required for timber joists, rafters or services? If so please let us know.
NB: Hole diameter equals bolt diamter +2mm
Now choose from the below finishing options: